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The Manhattan Alopecia Initiative & Network is dedicated to encouraging, empowering and strengthening the lives of people affected by and/or living with alopecia.

Our goal is to raise awareness and funds for those living with Alopecia.


We are looking to create a network of people with alopecia in the Greater New York City area so they can connect and interact with others who are also affected.



Alopecia is an autoimmune disease whereby the immune system mistakenly attacks your body's hair follicles leading to hair loss.

In some cases, the hair loss can be spotty or patchy, which is known as alopecia areata.


In more severe instances, hair loss can cover your entire head, known as alopecia totalis​​​, or even the entire body, known as alopecia universalis​​​​.



While doctors still do not know exactly why this hair loss occurs and there is no known cure, we are dedicated to supporting individuals with alopecia as well as doctors and other not-for-profit organizations in furtherance of this cause.


We are located in New York City

(but want to hear from anyone with alopecia!)


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